Stay Connected Anywhere, Everywhere: Affordable Travel eSIMs

Instant mobile data for 150+ countries. Fast. Reliable. No sim required. No lock-in plans.

How does Esimwise eSIM work?

Check compatibility & buy your plan

Search for your destination and pick any data pack

Check compatibility

Scan and install your eSIM

Easy installation via QR code onto IOS/Android phone

Activate your plan

Only activate when you are ready to use data

Everyone love these features

Very easy to use

Set up your data plan by scanning a simply QR code. Activate the eSIM when you land and you’ll be connected instantly. All products come with thorough instructions

Keep your original SIM for calls

The eSIM is digital, so your original SIM will work as usual if you need it

Unlimited data

Enjoy unlimited data while traveling to numerous destinations worry-free.

Fast & Reliable Internet connection

Connect to the best networks at your destination and get internet that’s both reliable and fast

Share data with family & Friends

You can share with family, friends or whoever you’re traveling with. Use your cell phone to generate a Wifi network and connect multiple devices

No roaming charges

Say goodbye to roaming charges as eSIM technology lets you travel seamlessly without the burden of extra fees. With eSIM, stay connected globally without the worry of unexpected costs.

Hear from ESIMWISE Users

Peter Brian

Very convenient!

"I've utilized Esimwise's eSIM service in Malaysia and China. The speed and coverage were impressive, and I encountered no service issues. I highly recommend it."

Sarah Johnson

You are the best! Keep going

"Used this eSIM during my trip to Japan and South Korea. Lightning-fast data and no connectivity issues. Easy to order, great service overall. Will definitely use again."

Emily Chen

Only ESIMWISE only!

"Cool eSIM service! Used it in Singapore and Thailand. Quick setup, reliable connection, and the data plans were reasonably priced. Highly recommended for travel."


Well done ESIMWISE

"No problems here – eSIMs are my go-to for travel. Ordering in advance is a breeze, and upon landing, I'm instantly connected. Affordable plans with various data options and country choices make it a winner. Used it twice, flawless connectivity both times."


Very convenient!

"The ordering process was a breeze, and the eSIM worked seamlessly in Hong Kong and Mainland China. A hassle-free experience, making my travels much smoother."

Michael Rodriguez

Very convenient!

"Esimwise's eSIM made my European vacation a breeze. From France to Italy, flawless performance. Ordering was simple, and the customer service team was responsive. Will be my go-to for future trips."

Daniel Lee

Very convenient!

"Recently used Esimwise's eSIM in the US. Quick activation, fast signal throughout my trip. The flexibility in data plans and the simple process make it a top choice for frequent travelers."

Julia Wong

Very convenient!

"Esimwise's eSIM made my business trip to India stress-free. Excellent customer support. Highly recommended for international travelers."

Megan Chang

Very convenient!

"Traveled through Southeast Asia with eSIM. Excellent coverage and speed. The process was user-friendly, and the variety of plans suited my needs perfectly. A best choice for global roaming."

Frequently Asked Questions

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Show all FAQs

After your purchase, we will send a QR code to your email. Either print the QR code or open it on your computer. On yor cell phone, go to Settings > Mobile Data > Add Data Plan and scan the QR code. Your phone will allow you to assign a specific name to this data plan. You will now be able to switch between your ESIMWISE data plan and the original plan from your provider. The ESIMWISE data plan will only be operational once you arrive at your destination. Once you land, turn on data roaming on your cell phone settings and activate the ESIMWISE data plan. Consult your phone’s user manual for more details on adding a data plan. All eSIM products come with comprehensive set-up instructions.

The eSIM is a digital product. Esimwise cannot confirm or verify if you have used the data plan associated with the eSIM card. Therefore, once your eSIM is delivered, we cannot offer a refund. For more information, please see our returns policy.

If you cannot find the QR code or have deleted it by mistake, please get in touch with us by sending an email to [email protected] or via our online chat, and we’ll resend the code to you.
There’s a solution for everything, but it’s best to try not to lose your QR code since it’s essential for installing your eSIM

If you are using an Apple device, you can use your SIM card and your eSIM at the same time. Choose the SIM card for phone calls and SMS, and the Esimwise eSIM for cellular data. Please remember that if you leave your SIM card activated, your network provider may apply data roaming charges to receive or make phone calls as well as SMS.

Yes. To ensure that your eSIM gets the best coverage, you must turn on data roaming on your cellphone’s settings. This will not incur any additional charges, as long as you have already set up the Esimwise eSIM.

There is no need to delete the eSIM once you have finished using it. However, if you wanted to, you can do this by going to your phone’s SIM card manager.

With your Emsimwise eSIM you can connect at 4G, LTE and 5G speeds like any local data line. However, keep in mind that in remote or poor coverage areas, your mobile could connect at lower speeds.