Best eSIM for Indonesia: Tested & Reviews

By: Daisy Taylor

19 March 2024

Getting ready for your upcoming adventure in Indonesia? In our interconnected world, having a reliable Internet connection while on the go isn’t just a convenience -it’s essential. To ensure seamless connectivity as you explore the diverse landscapes of Indonesia, consider opting for an eSIM card – a straightforward solution for staying connected during your travels. Based on my firsthand experience, I’ve meticulously crafted a list of the top 5 best eSIM for Indonesia.

These recommendations aim to ensure that you get the most out of your journey, whether you find yourself enjoying navigating bustling cityscapes, or immersing yourself in the rich cultural heritage that Indonesia has to offer. Besides, we’ll explore the distinctive features of each recommended eSIM option, helping you make an informed decision to enhance your travel connectivity. Let’s delve into the specifics now!

Top 5 best eSIM for Indonesia: What to know!

When considering the best eSIM in Indonesia, I’ve methodically assembled a comprehensive list of the top 5 options, meticulously considering factors such as affordability, network reliability, connectivity speed and overall satisfaction. Among the esteemed selections are Esimwise, Holafly, SimOptions, Airalo, and Nomad.

1. Esimwise

This is not just the best eSIM for Indonesia, Esimwise’s a game-changer. Credit Image: Esimwise.

Let me share a little secret with you, one that has transformed my travels in Indonesia into unforgettable adventures: Esimwise. This is not just the best eSIM for Indonesia, Esimwise’s a game-changer, a digital companion that has elevated my connectivity experience to new heights.

First, I have to mention affordability. Esimwise’s competitive pricing starting at $4.50 is a pleasant surprise, proving that staying connected doesn’t have to cost a fortune. But here’s the kicker: despite their budget-friendly prices, Esimwise doesn’t skimp on variety. From data plans as small as 0.3GB to ones that go beyond, there’s something for every traveler, every adventurer, every dreamer.

I scrolled through endless eSIMs, each one promising the moon and the stars but delivering headaches in the form of hidden fees and complex pricing structures. In contrast, Esimwise’s eSIM is simple, transparent and extremely reliable. Yes, no hidden costs, no surprises, just quick and straightforward connectivity. From activation fees to data usage, every aspect of this eSIM service is laid bare for all to see, giving me the peace of mind to focus on what truly matters: my journey.

When you’re out immersing yourself in the wonders of the world, including Indonesia, the last thing on your mind should be grappling with an unstable connection or the dreaded fear of sudden disconnections, right? Trust me, I used to worry about the dropped calls and choppy video streams, until I discovered the transformative power of Esimwise’s eSIM.

When I walk the vibrant streets of Jakarta or immerse myself in the hustle and bustle of the city’s energy, with Esimwise’s eSIM snugly nestled in my pocket, I can bid adieu to those nagging worries about connectivity woes. A stable and lightning-fast internet connection is now just a click away, ensuring that I am always seamlessly plugged into the digital world, no matter where my adventures take me.

So go ahead, pack your bags, and start your Indonesia adventure with unbridled confidence, knowing that with Esimwise by your side, you’ll never have to worry about staying connected again. Gone are the days of fretting over dropped calls or buffering videos – say hello to a smoother, more seamless connection that keeps pace with your wanderlust-fueled escapades.

What I like:

  • Adaptive and unique pricing structures
  • Boundless data plans
  • Connection speed is fast, smooth and very stable
  • Simplified QR code setup
  • Round-the-clock technical assistance
  • A variety of payment methods

What I don’t like:

  • None

2. Holafly

Holafly is positioned as one of the more expensive options in the market. Credit Image: Holafly.

Having personally tested Holafly’s eSIM cards, I must acknowledge that they are positioned as one of the more expensive options in the market. However, the investment proves worthwhile, given that all their plans come with the invaluable feature of unlimited data. This eliminates the need for constant recharging during your trip, providing a seamless and uninterrupted internet experience.

The convenience and peace of mind that come with continuous internet access make Holafly stand out as one of the best eSIM options for Indonesia. This feature ensures seamless connectivity throughout my travels, making it a preferred choice for those who prioritize staying connected without interruptions.

Like Esimwise, Holafly’s commitment to customer service is commendable, with support available 24/7 in multiple languages. This aspect contributes significantly to the positive experience, ensuring quick and effective assistance whenever needed. On exploring their website, I came across seven unlimited data plans with varying durations, ranging from $20.7 to $107.9, catering to different travel needs and preferences.

While Holafly offers a range of data plans, the customization options might be limited compared to providers that allow you to tailor plans more precisely to the specific needs. Users with unique data usage patterns may find other providers with more flexible options.

As mentioned earlier, Holafly’s eSIM cards are positioned as one of the more expensive options on the market. This higher cost may deter budget-conscious travelers who are seeking more economical alternatives. Choosing a more economical alternative, for example, Esimwise, could provide you with the financial flexibility to explore additional destinations or extend your stay, aligning better with the budget constraints typical for many long-term travelers.

What I like:

  • A straightforward installation process using QR codes or manual setup.
  • A majority of their eSIM plans feature unlimited data.

What I don’t like:

  • Holafly’s eSIMs lack calls and SMS features
  • The pricier options
  • The Indonesian eSIM doesn’t support data sharing
  • App installation is not an option.

3. SimOptions

I want to mention SimOptions as one of the best eSIM for Indonesia. Credit Image:

Next, I want to mention SimOptions as one of the best eSIM for Indonesia. Having explored SimOptions for eSIM solutions during my travels, I found it to be a marketplace facilitating access to eSIM cards from various countries, including Indonesia. Operating with offices in Paris, Thailand, and Hong Kong, SimOptions presents users with a wide array of data plans, both regionally and globally.

For my venture into Indonesia, SimOptions offered six distinct data plans, ranging from 8 to 30 days, each with specified data limits varying from 4GB to 8GB. While the pricing seemed a bit higher than average, the convenience of obtaining eSIM cards for multiple countries through a single platform was a notable advantage.

However, certain limitations surfaced during my experience with SimOptions. Specifically, the data-only eSIM cards provided for Indonesia lacked clarity regarding the chosen mobile network operator, and there was no mention of 5G readiness. These cards operated exclusively on 4G/LTE networks and did not include a phone number. The one-year validity period, with credit validity starting immediately upon installation, added a layer of flexibility for future travels.

One significant drawback I encountered was the somewhat chaotic nature of SimOptions’ website. The diverse features across different brands and plans, including customer support, rechargeability, and data sharing, demanded meticulous scrutiny. This complexity made decision-making a more intricate process, potentially consuming more time than desired.

In practical terms, my personal experience with SimOptions led to spending considerable time comparing different brands. While SimOptions serves as a convenient marketplace for accessing eSIM cards globally, including Indonesia, users should carefully weigh the features, limitations, and potential complexities associated with the platform. Transparency and simplicity may be compromised, especially for those seeking a straightforward and seamless eSIM experience.

What I like:

  • SimOptions eSIM cards boast a simple purchase and installation process.
  • These eSIM cards vary in duration, price, and gigabyte options, covering a broad spectrum of choices.

What I don’t like:

  • SimOptions eSIMs typically offer limited data, usually capped at 8GB or less, without unlimited options.
  • Features vary among eSIMs for the same country based on the contracted brand.
  • Customer support quality depends on the specific brand.
  • The plans do not include calls or SMS

4. Airalo

Airalo is the next name on my list of best eSIm for Indonesia. Credit Image: Airalo.

Airalo is the next name on my list of best eSIm for Indonesia. In my personal experience with Airalo’s eSIM cards for Indonesia, I opted for their offerings by Indotel, operating on Telkomsel’s esteemed 4G/LTE network. Notably, Indonesia, as of 2024, hasn’t seen widespread adoption of 5G technology.

Airalo presents eSIM plans spanning durations of 7, 15, and 30 days, with prices ranging from $5.5 to $40. While often lauded as a budget-friendly option, my interactions with Airalo brought to light certain drawbacks. The technical service, while economical, displayed a considerable delay in response times, potentially impacting the overall customer experience.

Despite being touted as a cost-effective choice, Airalo’s data plans come with limited gigabytes, possibly leading to data exhaustion during the trip and requiring additional recharges. This unexpected cost factor might challenge the initial perception of affordability.

Moreover, it’s crucial to emphasize that all Airalo eSIM cards are specifically designed for data services, lacking a phone number and, consequently, not supporting phone calls and SMS. Additionally, a key consideration is the importance of timely installation, with activation required within one month. The credit validity period commences upon the initial connection to a supported network.

In summary, while acknowledging Airalo’s commendable affordability and diverse options, potential users should thoroughly assess the limitations in data plans, the responsiveness of technical support, and the absence of phone/SMS services. The overall cost-effectiveness of choosing Airalo depends on individual usage patterns and the readiness to navigate potential challenges in customer support.

What I like:

  • One of the most affordable brands in the market
  • Offer a diverse range of eSIM cards
  • Users have the flexibility to recharge their eSIM, adding to the convenience of their services.

What I don’t like:

  • Data on these eSIM cards is capped at 20GB or less, and unlimited options are not available.
  • Calls and SMS are not included with their eSIM cards.
  • Services and technical support are conducted exclusively in English and are characterized by delayed response times.

5. Nomad

Nomad’s platform stands out with its well-designed website and app. Credit Image: eSIMDB.

Last but not least there is Nomad and actually Nomad is also the best eSIM for Indonesia. Nomad functions as a dedicated marketplace for eSIM cards, featuring offerings from various local brands in Indonesia. Nomad’s platform stands out with its well-designed website and app, making it easier for users like myself to compare and choose between different eSIM cards.

Nomad’s pricing strategy is particularly appealing, with eSIM cards for Indonesia starting at an impressively low $1.95 USD per gigabyte, making it a standout option for budget-conscious travelers like me. However, once the daily data usage reaches 2 GB, the data speed takes a significant hit, limiting usage to basic applications like WhatsApp for the next 24 hours until the maximum speed is restored.

In my experience, Nomad’s eSIM cards for Indonesia, operating under the Singtel network, unfortunately, do not support 5G technology, limiting connectivity to the 4G/LTE network. While this may not be a significant drawback considering the current state of 5G deployment in Indonesia as of 2024, you should be aware of this limitation for future-proofing your connectivity needs.

When it comes to the installation process, their eSIM cards should be activated within 30 days of acquisition. The validity period commences upon the initial connection to a supported network in Indonesia, typically occurring upon arrival. This time-sensitive activation requirement ensures that you can seamlessly integrate the eSIM into your devices, allowing for immediate access to network services upon reaching your destination.

In conclusion, Nomad’s affordability and efficient platform make it an attractive choice for eSIM cards in Indonesia. However, users should carefully evaluate the limitations associated with unlimited data plans to make an informed decision based on their unique usage patterns and preferences.

What I like:

  • Their app provides a highly convenient experience
  • A diverse range of eSIM cards is available
  • The service provides affordability without compromising on features.

What I don’t like:

  • Data limits on these eSIM cards are capped at 100GB or less, with no unlimited options available.
  • Short-term plans offer minimal gigabytes, typically just 1GB.
  • Calls and SMS are not included in their eSIM cards.
  • Services and technical support are provided exclusively in English.

Choosing eSIM for Indonesia: How to choose?

When selecting an eSIM for use in the Indonesia, consider 4 factors for optimal compatibility and performance:

1. Network coverage

To ensure reliable coverage, consider checking customer reviews and coverage maps provided by the eSIM provider. Customer reviews offer real-world experiences, indicating how well the network performs in various locations. Additionally, coverage maps visually display the areas where the provider has strong coverage, helping you assess the likelihood of a stable connection in specific regions. Combining insights from both sources ensures a more informed decision for your travel needs.

2. Data usage

Consider whether the provider offers customizable plans or fixed packages to align with your specific needs. For example, if you have a consistent data usage pattern, a fixed package with a set amount of data may be suitable. On the other hand, if your data needs fluctuate, a provider offering customizable plans or top-up options can provide the flexibility to manage unexpected data requirements.

3. Data speed

When choosing an eSIM provider for Indonesia, prioritize data speed to ensure a satisfactory online experience. Check whether the provider supports high-speed data services that are compatible with Indonesia’s network infrastructure. Look for eSIM plans that explicitly mention high-speed data services and ensure that they are suitable for bandwidth-intensive activities.

4. Customer support

When evaluating eSIM providers, pay close attention to the quality of customer support offered. For example, consider reading customer reviews that specifically mention the responsiveness and effectiveness of the provider’s support team. Look for indicators of timely issue resolution, clear communication, and overall customer satisfaction.


1. Which eSIM is best in Indonesia?

Determining the best eSIM in Indonesia can depend on various factors such as good coverage, unlimited data plans, suitable pricing, and customer service. Some of the well-known eSIM for travelers to Indonesia include: Esimwise, Airalo, Nomad, SimOptions and Holafly. Among these choices, Esimwise’s eSIM emerges as the best eSIM in Indonesia presently.

2. Which operators support eSIM in Indonesia?

Besides the international eSIM providers mentioned earlier, there are local operators that support eSIM in Indonesia like Telkomsel, Indosat Ooredoo, XL Axiata, and Tri that also offer eSIM in their plans. Keep in mind that obtaining an eSIM from a local provider might be more challenging as it usually requires a visit to a physical store and providing documentation. Consider the convenience and accessibility when deciding between local and international eSIM options for your needs in Indonesia.

3. Which eSIM card is best for Bali?

Selecting the best eSIM card for Bali hinges on individual preferences and requirements. Before making a choice, it’s crucial to thoroughly assess the offerings of various providers, considering factors such as data speed, duration of stay, budget constraints and additional features. Based on my firsthand experience, Esimwise emerges as the best eSIM card for Bali that effectively fulfills all these criteria.

Wrap up

Certainly, when choosing the best eSIM for Indonesia, consider factors beyond price, such as included data usage, plan types (limited or unlimited), network coverage, and additional features such as user-friendly interfaces or reliable customer support. Each available provider has its advantages, so assess based on your individual needs and preferences to ensure a seamless experience during your travels in Indonesia. Now, own an Indonesian eSIM and enhance your exciting trip with seamless connectivity. Safe and enjoyable travels!



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