13 Best Place to Visit in France in October

By: Laelia Pham

12 February 2024

Are you planning a trip to France in October? You’ve picked a fantastic time to visit! With summer crowds fading and autumn colors painting the landscape, October is a charming month to explore this enchanting country. As someone who has had the pleasure of experiencing the beauty of France, I’m excited to share my recommendations for the best place to visit in France in October.

Whether you’re a history buff, a nature enthusiast, or someone looking for the perfect blend of culture and relaxation, France in October has something special for everyone. So, grab your journal and get ready to start on a journey filled with charming experiences, breathtaking landscapes, and the irresistible flavors of France. Let’s explore the wonders that await you at these places worth visiting in France this October!

Is October a good time to visit France?

Absolute! Planning a visit to France in October is a great choice. While some may consider this low season, I see it as the perfect opportunity to enjoy the beauty of this enchanting country without the bustling crowds typical of the summer months. Here’s why October is a hidden gem for your France trip, straight from someone who enjoyed the experience:

best place to visit in france in october
October offers a mix of favorable weather, vibrant landscapes, and cultural activities. Source: Canva


October graces France with delightful weather. In Paris, temperatures hover around 50-64°F (10-18°C), while Northeast France enjoys a cool 45-59°F (7-15°C). The Atlantic region of France experiences a return of cooler weather, averaging 52-64°F (11-18°C), and in the south, temperatures range from 63-70°F (17-21°C).

Lesser crowds

With fewer tourists, iconic attractions like the Eiffel Tower and the enchanting chateaus of the Loire Valley offer a more intimate and relaxed experience. It’s your chance to explore renowned sites minus the summer crowds.

Better rates

Take advantage of lower prices as airlines and hotels reduce rates to attract visitors. October offers a budget-friendly opportunity to enjoy France, especially if you’re not set on Paris tours or grape harvest-related activities.

best place to visit in france in october
October is part of the low season, ensuring better rates and fewer crowds. Source: Canva

Fall colors

October transforms France into a canvas of fall colors. From Calais to Cannes, the elegant boulevards showcase vibrant shades of orange and red. The countryside around Provence and Avignon steals the show with breathtaking autumn landscapes.

Cultural events

October hosts significant cultural events. The grape harvest, a highlight of the month, is a unique and authentic experience. Additionally, you can catch the excitement of the biennial Paris Motor Show and indulge in the shopping extravaganza of Saint Tropez’s La Grande Braderie.

The 13 best places to visit in France in October

October in France offers a diverse range of destinations for an unforgettable experience. Having explored the diverse landscapes, I’m thrilled to share some top picks for the best places to visit in France during this magical month. Pick the best place to visit in France in October in my checklist below:

1. Paris

Ah, Paris in October- my favorite place! The city undergoes an exciting change, shedding its summer hustle for a quieter, more enchanting atmosphere. The weather was perfect, and what could be better? Shorter lines at iconic landmarks like the Eiffel Tower.

Imagine strolling along the Seine, surrounded by the colors of autumn – golden leaves add a magical touch to the already charming streets. Oh, and keep an eye out for unique events like Nuit Blanche at the museums and vibrant grape harvest celebrations in Montmartre’s vineyards. Trust me; October turns Paris into a poetic paradise.

Paris - best place to visit in france in october
Paris – one of the best places to visit in France in October. Source: Canva

2. Alsace

Alsace stole my heart in October and it’s a place that keeps on giving. Picture this: the Vosges mountains transform into a golden spectacle, offering the most breathtaking views to hikers. The Alsace Wine Route is a sensory journey, hosting exciting wine-tasting events until mid-October.

And Colmar, oh Colmar! This charming town is a fairy tale comes to life with its half-timbered houses and cobblestone streets. Little did I know that this area considered a feast for the eyes in the fall, would transform into a winter wonderland during Christmas. It’s like experiencing two seasons of pure magic in one trip.

3. Bordeaux

For wine lovers seeking the best place to visit in France in October, Bordeaux is a timeless destination. Stepping into this city feels like entering a time machine, whisking you back to medieval times when Bordeaux started crafting its legendary wines. I spent blissful days exploring the vineyards, immersing myself in the art and history of Bordeaux wines.

Each sip felt like a journey through time, with stories woven into the very essence of the wines. For anyone enchanted by the magic of vineyards and captivated by the tales behind each glass, Bordeaux in October is a paradise waiting to be discovered.

4. Reims

Walking through the doors of its cathedral feels like stepping into a living history book. Can you believe this was the spot where kings and queens were crowned for centuries? It’s a remarkable piece of France’s past. 

Picture a rainy day in Reims, it’s perfect! You get to dive into the traditions of France, feeling the echoes of the old times. Imagine walking where kings once walked, immersing yourself in the stories that took place right in Reims. It’s these glimpses into its regal past that make this city truly special.

Reims - best place to visit in france in october
In October, Reims, France, offers a great visit with pleasant weather. Source: Canva

5. Lyon

Lyon, hidden away in the south, stole my heart in October. The Renaissance old town is like a charming time capsule, blending history and culture seamlessly. But let’s talk about Lyon’s culinary scene – it’s a highlight!

As the best place to visit in France in October, Lyon treats you to mild weather, making it ideal for exploring its enchanting streets and visiting historical landmarks. And the food! Popular eateries dish out delectable treats that redefine the meaning of a gastronomic experience. Lyon in October? A feast for the senses!

6. Mont Saint-Michel

Escape to the mystical Mont Saint-Michel in October, when the crowds have diminished, allowing you to savor the medieval charm of this island commune. Witness the dramatic tides, explore the abbey, and wander through the narrow cobbled streets surrounded by the beauty of autumn. Mont Saint-Michel in October feels like stepping into a fairytale, where time slows down, and magic lingers in the air.

7. Provence 

Provence in October is a quintessential fall experience that captured my heart. While the lavender fields might have faded, the vineyards and countryside burst into warm hues that are simply mesmerizing. Explore the charming villages of Gordes and Roussillon, where every corner tells a story of Provence’s rich history. 

In addition, the markets come alive with the vibrant flavors of the region, from delectable wines to culinary delights that showcase the essence of Provence in every bite. It’s a journey into fall’s warm embrace that lingers in your memories.

8. French Riviera

October on the French Riviera – a surprise destination that I stumbled upon during my travels. While summer takes its bow, October unveils a more laid-back atmosphere along the dazzling coastline. Nice, Cannes, and Saint-Tropez still bask in the warm Mediterranean sun, creating the perfect backdrop for lazy days on beautiful beaches.

The coastal towns retain their picturesque charm, and the seafood? Oh, it’s a culinary delight you don’t want to miss. French Riviera in October? Pure Mediterranean bliss.

French Riviera
October in the French Riviera: Perfect weather, fewer crowds, pure delight. Source: Canva

9. Loire Valley

The Loire Valley, famous for its magnificent castles, transforms into a magical wonderland in Fall, cementing its status as the best place to visit in France in October. The changing leaves create a fairytale-like setting around iconic castles such as Château de Chambord and Château de Chenonceau.

I took a leisurely bike ride through the vineyards, immersing myself in the tranquility of the region. The Loire Valley in fall? It’s the epitome of enchantment.

10. Beaune, Burgundy

Every October, this charming town hosts the ‘Salon de dégustation Pains Vins Fromages,’ a gastronomic extravaganza that I had the pleasure of experiencing. For a reasonable entrance fee, I received an engraved wine glass and the opportunity to taste a variety of wines from different regions of France. Pairing these wines with delectable cheeses and artisanal breads was an experience like no other. 

11. Normandy 

In October, Normandy is like stepping into a cozy autumn painting with cooler weather around 13°C. It’s the perfect time to explore charming places like Honfleur with its cobblestone streets, Bayeux and its medieval wonders, and the historic D-Day landing sites – all without the big crowds that come during the busy season. Imagine strolling down Honfleur’s lanes with leaves crunching under your feet and feeling the history in the air at Bayeux.

12. Brittany

Brittany, the land of legends, beckons with its mystical charm in October. I found myself immersed in the unique Halloween celebration called Kala Goañv, an experience like no other. Picture Brocéliande Forest coming alive with storytelling sessions and ghost rides. Children, adorned in Halloween costumes, roam freely, exploring the enchanting festivals.

And then there is Gavrinis Island in the Gulf of Morbihan. Accessible by boat, the Cairn of Gavrinis holds ancient inscriptions, the meaning of which remains a mystery. Departing from Larmor-Baden or Port-Navalo, I feel like I’m unraveling Brittany’s ancient history, one story at a time.

13. Camargue

Camargue, a natural wonder near the Mediterranean, appeared before my eyes as a paradise for nature enthusiasts. October in the Camargue is a sensory delight, with rich flora and fauna and a truly captivating cultural heritage. Walking around the area, I encountered famous herds of cattle and horses, each step revealing a connection to the history of the land.

Camargue in October: Beauty, activities, perfect weather for a memorable visit. Source: Canva

A visit to Domaine de Méjanes is a highlight, which is home to the Paul Ricard Museum and hosts many bull-related activities. But the true essence of the Camargue lies in its equestrian culture. I embarked on a horseback riding adventure, immersing myself in the rhythms of the land and feeling the pulse of nature with every step.


1. Where is the best weather in France in October?

In October, the best weather in France usually occurs in the southern regions, especially along the Mediterranean coast, including cities such as Nice and Marseille. These areas typically have milder temperatures of 15 to 25 degrees Celsius (59 to 77 degrees Fahrenheit), while northern areas, like Paris, can be cooler with temperatures of 10 to 18 degrees Celsius ( 50 to 64 degrees F). You should check the current weather forecast near your travel date for more accurate information.

2. Is the south of France nice in October?

October in the South of France is delightful with pleasant temperatures between 50 and 70°F (10-21°C). This is a great time for outdoor activities and exploration, with milder temperatures than summer, averaging around 59°F (15°C). The area has antique fairs, orchid festivals, and a generally lovely atmosphere. Although cooler, the weather remains pleasant, making this an attractive month to explore the beauty of the Côte d’Azur and Nice.

3. Is Paris pretty in October?

October in Paris captivates with mild weather, cool temperatures, and brilliant fall colors, making it the ideal time to visit. The month has fewer crowds, providing a more relaxed experience to enjoy the beauty of the city. The cool breeze adds to the charm, creating a pleasant atmosphere for exploration. Additionally, Paris in October also has Paris Fashion Week, which adds to the city’s vibrant and stylish atmosphere.

Wrap up

France in October offers a unique and unforgettable experience, with captivating cities, picturesque countryside, and charming cultural treasures. The relaxed atmosphere, combined with pleasant weather, made every exploration a delight. Whether wandering through historic castles or enjoying the culinary wonders of Beaune, October reveals an enchanting dancing France.

For an unforgettable experience, France in October is undoubtedly the epitome of travel bliss.  So, pack your bags and get ready for a magical journey through the best places to visit in France this October. Have a good trip!



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