How much data does WhatsApp use?

By: Daisy Taylor

27 February 2024

I often use WhatsApp to communicate with friends and family. The app is super helpful for staying connected when I am traveling abroad. As a budget-conscious traveler, I am always curious about: “How much data does WhatsApp use?” so I can better manage my data usage and avoid surprise overage charges. 

After doing some research, I discovered some helpful insights into WhatsApp’s data usage that I think will be useful for other travelers. Generally, WhatsApp will use at least 5MB per minute for video calls. Let me explain other circumstances in this article! 

Does WhatsApp use data?

Yes, WhatsApp does utilize data for various activities such as sending and receiving messages, making voice and video calls, and downloading media files like photos and videos. 

The amount of data consumed depends on the specific actions performed within the app, such as the duration of calls, the size and quality of media files, and the frequency of message exchanges. 

While WhatsApp can function using both Wi-Fi and cellular data connections, users should be mindful of their data usage, particularly when not connected to Wi-Fi, to avoid exceeding data limits set by their mobile network providers.

how much data does whatsapp use
WhatsApp uses data for various activities, such as sending and receiving messages, making voice and video calls. Credit: Your Story

If you are in search of an exceptional data plan, look no further than Esimwise eSIM plans, offering a plethora of advantages tailored to meet your needs. One standout benefit is the lightning-fast 4G/5G data connection, ensuring seamless messaging and calling experiences. With options ranging from 0.5GB to 10GB packages, you can customize your plan according to your usage requirements, ensuring optimal efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

Moreover, the eSIM feature allows you to retain your WhatsApp number, eliminating the hassle of switching numbers and ensuring uninterrupted communication with your contacts. This convenience adds an extra layer of ease and reliability to your digital interactions.

How much data does WhatsApp use?

The average amount of data used by WhatsApp per hour is between 5 – 30 MB, depending on usage. Here are more details for you to consider:

  • Messaging only: ~5MB/hour
  • Messaging with some media attachments: ~15MB/hour
  • Frequent sharing of photos/videos: Up to ~30MB/hour
  • Voice calls: 30MB/hour
  • Video calls: ~100MB for 20 minutes
how much data does whatsapp use
The amount of data that WhatsApp uses can vary depending on the specific activities you engage in within the app. Credit: South African

So if you primarily use WhatsApp for texting, an hour of usage equates to around 5MB of data. That means you could WhatsApp messages all day and probably only use 100MB or less.

But if you make long WhatsApp voice and video calls and frequently exchange media files, your usage can jump up to 30MB per hour or more. 20 minutes of video calling alone uses ~100MB.


   1. Does WhatsApp use a lot of data?

Compared to streaming video, music or gaming, WhatsApp uses a relatively small amount of data if you primarily stick to messaging. But it can use up a large portion of your data plan if you make lots of WhatsApp calls or share a high volume of photos and videos.

Frequent WhatsApp users should consider getting an unlimited data plan so they don’t have to worry about overages from voice/video calls and media sharing. For travelers aiming to minimize data usage, it is best to avoid making lengthy WhatsApp calls and share high-resolution photos/videos sparingly.

   2. How much data does 1 hour of WhatsApp use?

As mentioned earlier, average WhatsApp data usage per hour is estimated to be:

  • 5MB for messaging only
  • 15MB with some media attachments
  • Up to 30MB with very frequent photo/video sharing

So in most typical use cases, 1 hour of WhatsApp will use between 5-15MB. Only very media-heavy usage would approach 30MB per hour.

   3. Does WhatsApp use data for international calls?

Yes, WhatsApp voice and video calls use mobile data or WiFi even when calling internationally. There is no distinction in data usage for domestic versus international calls.

The amount of data consumed depends mostly on the duration of calls. As a benchmark, a 20-minute WhatsApp video call uses around 100MB of data. Voice calls use less data than video, but can still add up if you make lengthy international calls every day.

For travelers aiming to minimize roaming charges, it’s advisable to use WhatsApp calls sparingly when traveling internationally. Tools like WhatsApp’s call status indicator can help monitor international call data usage. Enabling WiFi calling support when available can also route calls over WiFi rather than mobile data.

Wrap up

After answering the question: How much data does WhatsApp use?, we have uncovered valuable insights into the amount of data WhatsApp consumes, offering clarity to those seeking to optimize their data usage, especially while traveling. 

I hope these insights on WhatsApp’s data usage are helpful for fellow travelers looking to better understand and manage data consumption. Let me know if you have any other questions!



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