Is Japan safe to travel alone? The answer from an expat

By: Daisy Taylor

24 December 2023

If you have ever dreamed of wandering through cherry blossom-lined streets, immersing in ancient traditions, or simply indulging in the world’s most delectable sushi, Japan might be calling your name. As a solo traveler who has ventured through the enchanting landscapes of the Land of the Rising Sun, many people ask me about the safety problem of the country.

Is Japan safe to travel alone? Yes, you can visit Japan safely with a safety index of 1.34, the 9th safest in the world, according to the World Population Review.  I’m here to share my insights and some tips to stay secure for your adventurous soul. Let’s continue reading!

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Is Japan safe to travel alone?

Japan is undeniably one of the safest countries for solo travellers. According to Time Out, it is one of the top 10 peaceful countries in the world. 

Crime rates are impressively low, and the Japanese are renowned for their politeness and helpfulness. Whether you are strolling through bustling Tokyo streets or finding serenity in Kyoto’s historic temples, you’ll likely feel a sense of security that is truly unmatched.

is japan safe to travel alone
Japan is one of the safest countries for solo travelers. Credit: Travel Triangle

Safety advice when traveling to Japan alone

The following details provide a comprehensive guide on safety advice for solo travelers exploring this captivating destination, encompassing aspects such as accommodation choices, transportation, cultural sensitivity, and health considerations.

In case of emergency

Staying safe and prepared for emergencies is crucial for any trip, especially solo travel. Here’s what you need to do in case of an emergency in Japan:

  • Step 1: Stay calm and assess the situation. Don’t panic, as clear thinking is essential for making good decisions.
  • Step 2: Dial the appropriate emergency number based on the situation:
  • Police: 110 (Remember, there’s no need to say “emergency.”)
  • Fire/Ambulance: 119
  • English-speaking operator: #884 (if you need translation assistance)
  • Step 3: When making the call, state your location (including any landmarks nearby), the nature of the emergency, and any additional details that might be helpful.
  • Step 4: Stay on the line with the operator and follow their instructions until help arrives.

If you experience a medical issue, head to the nearest hospital or clinic. Many hospitals have English-speaking staff or interpreters available. You can also call the Japan Visitor Hotline at 050-3816-2787 for assistance finding medical care.

Moreover, report the loss immediately to the nearest police station and your embassy. You’ll need to file a police report and apply for a replacement passport.

General tips

is japan safe to travel alone
Let’s learn some effective tips to prepare for an amazing trip to Japan. Credit: Live Japan Perfect Guide

There are some basic tips that you must do to secure yourself:

  • Learn basic Japanese phrases like “tasukete kudasai” (please help me) and “doko desu ka?” (where is…?) can be helpful in emergencies.
  • Keep a physical map and a list of emergency contact numbers readily available, even if you have a smartphone.
  • Consider downloading useful apps like the Japan Travel Safety Information App or the Earthquake Alert app for real-time updates and safety tips.
  • Travel insurance can provide financial protection in case of medical emergencies, trip cancellations, or lost luggage.

Remember, Japan is a generally safe country with a helpful population. By being prepared and knowing what to do in case of an emergency, you can minimize risks and ensure a smooth and enjoyable trip.

Efficient use of public transportation

is japan safe to travel alone
Familiarize yourself with public transport is necessary. Credit: JY Travels

Japan’s transportation system is a solo traveler’s dream, but navigating it can be overwhelming. Make use of apps like Hyperdia for train schedules and Google Maps for local transport.

Also, ensure your Japan Rail Pass is in order for seamless travel across regions. Familiarize yourself with station layouts, and don’t be afraid to ask station staff for guidance. Traveling solo means relying on your navigation skills, so be proactive in understanding the transportation infrastructure.

Secure accommodations wisely

Choose accommodations that prioritize safety for solo female travelers. Women-only floors or dorms in hostels and hotels provide an added layer of comfort. Research reviews and opt for well-reviewed establishments. Notify friends or family of your whereabouts, especially when changing locations. Additionally, consider booking accommodations near well-lit areas and accessible public transportation, ensuring a secure base for your solo adventures.

Keep valuables secure

is japan safe to travel alone
Don’t make it easy for the thief. Credit: UAB

While Japan is generally safe, it’s crucial to safeguard your belongings. Invest in a reliable anti-theft backpack, keep valuables in hotel safes, and be cautious in crowded areas.

Japan is known for its honesty, but it’s better to err on the side of caution. Use a money belt for passports and extra cash and remain vigilant in tourist-heavy spots. By prioritizing the security of your belongings, you’ll minimize the risk of encountering any travel hiccups.

Be mindful of nightlife safety

Japan’s nightlife is vibrant, and as a solo traveler, it’s essential to exercise caution. Stick to well-lit and populated areas, and avoid excessive alcohol consumption. Plan your route back to your accommodation in advance and, if possible, inform someone of your plans.

Trust your instincts; if a situation feels uncomfortable, remove yourself from it. Japan’s nightlife can be enjoyed safely with a combination of awareness, responsible drinking, and a proactive approach to personal safety.

Stay informed and connected

is japan safe to travel alone
Being informed and connected enhances your safety net as you navigate the beautiful landscapes of Japan. Credit: Matador Network

Keep abreast of local news and weather updates, and register with your embassy or consulate upon arrival. Share your itinerary with a trusted friend or family member, including accommodation details and contact information. Stay connected with a local SIM card, eSIM or portable Wi-Fi device, ensuring you can access maps and communicate in case of emergencies. 

If you are in need of an eSIM for your upcoming trip, you might want to explore Esimwise. They offer an eSIM with high-speed connectivity and generous data, providing a reliable solution for staying connected while you’re on the go.


   1. Is Japan safe to travel alone as a woman?

Japan is generally considered a safe destination for solo female travelers. The country is known for its low crime rates and high level of public safety. Japanese society places a strong emphasis on politeness and respect, contributing to a generally secure environment. However, as with any destination, it is essential to exercise common-sense precautions, such as being aware of surroundings and taking usual safety measures.

   2. Is it safe to walk around Tokyo alone?

Yes, Tokyo is generally considered a safe city for individuals to walk around alone. Shinjuku and Shibuya are popular nightlife districts that can be crowded and rowdy, especially on weekends. If you are not comfortable in those kinds of environments, you may want to avoid them.

Be mindful of Japanese cultural norms, such as avoiding talking loudly on public transportation and not eating or drinking while walking.

   3. Is it safe to walk at night in Tokyo?

Yes, it is very safe to walk around Tokyo at night, even alone. In fact, many people find Tokyo to be even more vibrant and interesting after dark! Explore charming alleyways with tiny bars and ramen shops, or stumble upon hidden karaoke joints and music venues.  Plus, the Tokyo subway system operates until late at night, providing a convenient and safe way to get around.

Here are some tips for a safe and enjoyable night walk in Tokyo:

  • Plan your route: Choose well-lit and familiar areas, especially if you are alone.
  • Stay aware of your surroundings: Be mindful of your belongings and avoid distractions like headphones.
  • Trust your gut: If something feels unsafe, don’t hesitate to change your route or call for help.
  • Download helpful apps: Consider using apps like Google Maps or Citymapper to navigate and find nearby points of interest.

Wrap up

To sum up, if you ask “Is Japan safe to travel alone?”, the answer is yes. Other than that, I have provided some guidance and what to do in case of emergency so you can totally enjoy your trip.

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